The Troop
- Chartered in 1924 through All Souls Community Church (formally Suffern Presbyterian Church ) – 100th anniversary celebrated in 2024. Unit is in the Rockland District of the Greater Hudson Valley Council.
- Chartered Organization Executive Officer: William Reinmuth
- Chartered Organization Representative: Melanie Glassman
- Troop Uniformed Leaders:
- Scoutmaster: Len Portanova
- Assistant Scoutmasters; Jeff Posner, Heath House, Mark Olson, Tom Schreeck, David Tarantino.
- Troop Committee Members:
- Chairman: Tanya Tjoa
- Secretary / Registrar: Jerry Reilly
- Outdoor/Activities Coordinator: Nick Milillo
- Equipment Coordinator: David Passariello
- Religious Emblems Coordinator - Don Schreeck (Protestant), Rosa Adotey (Catholic)
- Treasurers - Denis Dranovsky, Michael Mittelman
- Advancement Coordinators - Jeff Posner, Heath House
- Eagle Advisor- Len Portanova
- Training Coordinator-
- Den Chief Coordinator- Vicki Korman
- Membership Chair - ; Membership Coordinator: Tanya Tjoa
- Pack Liaison - Mark Olson (Pack 23)
- Public Relations / Apparel: Bernadette Tarantino
- Popcorn Kernel - OPEN
- Troop Historian - OPEN
- Uniform Bank - OPEN
- Webmaster - OPEN
- Hospitality - OPEN
- Medical Coordinator - Melissa Posner
- Chaplain - OPEN
- At Large:
- Unit Commissioner- OPEN
- Unit College Scouter Reserve: Zack Kunow
- Currently 24 scouts registered
- Weekly meetings are year round except as noted on the Troop calendar.
- Outdoor activity – at least one campout per month all year in addition to hikes, service projects and other activities
- Summer camp – the week following the last day of school (typically the last week of June)
- Participate in Rockland District Spring and Fall Camporees
- Participate in Rockland District Winter Klondike in February
- Participate in Community Ceremonies and Events
- Court of Honor ceremonies 3 times per year to recognize Scouts advancement
- Scouts can pay their own way through the annual popcorn sale individual fundraiser
- Troop Committee & Uniformed Leaders Holiday party – December
- Troop Committee monthly meetings - as scheduled on Troop calendar
- Scout Sunday – February
- Scouting for Food (August/September)
- Service projects
Weekly meetings
- Thursday nights, year round, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
- Held at All Souls Community Church (formerly Suffern Presbyterian Church) 81 Washington Ave., Suffern, NY 10901 (use Oliver St. entrance)
- Scheduled meeting and event changes done by email and phone chain
- Troop Calendar listed on web site
Troop Meetings; Boy Scout Uniform - Class A (Tan shirt, green shoulder loops, No. 21, Hudson valley Council Patch, World Crest patch), neckerchief slide, olive green pants.
Outdoor activities; Sleeping bag & sleeping pad, Backpack (for campouts), flashlight, mess kit, reusable water bottle, rain gear, waterproof hiking boots, daypack (for day hikes). Troop 21 Class B T-Shirts, sweatshirts and hats can be purchased from the troop. (see the Scoutmaster)
Costs (see registrar for dollar amounts)
- Youth Annual fee covers national registration in the Boy Scouts of America; insurance; Scouts Life e-magazine; Hudson Valley Council Operations and Service Fee; advancement and Courts Of Honor supplies; recurring Troop expenses. Youth: $200 full year ($144 National and Council fee; $56 Troop fee); Pro-rata if not full year.
- Events - costs determined as required - Pay Your Own Way available through Popcorn fundraiser and encouraged. Food costs as determined by patrol.
- Webelos pro-rata Troop fee (typically 9 months) covers advancement and Courts Of Honor supplies; recurring Troop expenses; Scouts Life may be added. No National or Council fee as Webelos to Scout registration is a transfer within the same council.
- Registered and TRAINED adult scouters who help organize and ensure the Troop program is delivered properly pay registration, insurance, and Greater Hudson Valley Council Operations and Service fee. Scouting e-magazine included. Adult: $84 full year (National and Council fee; no Troop fee)
- One parent per family expected to participate in at least one activity per year. You are also encouraged to become an Assistant Scoutmaster or join the Troop Committee
Troop Origin
The first Boy Scout troop to be organized in Suffern, NY was registered in 1914. A second troop was organized and registered in 1915. Each of these troops was sponsored by a "Committee of Citizens". The last registration of both of these troops was 1920-1921. The troops ceased to function sometime in 1921. From then through 1923, Suffern was without a scout troop.
On October 1, 1923, the Reverend Henry Fairfield Watts became the Pastor of the Suffern Presbyterian Church. He had just completed a full ten years of service as Scoutmaster of Troop 1 in Patterson, NY, the village of his former pastorate. He began taking steps looking towards the organization of a scout troop in Suffern, under the sponsorship of the Presbyterian Church.
The matter was presented by him to the Session of the church for its approval in November, and it was voted to approve the organization of a troop, provided a satisfactory scoutmaster could be found. Elder E.R. Suffern, and the pastor, were appointed as a committee to find a scoutmaster. The following is an excerpt from the minutes of the Session meeting on December 17, 1923: "Report of the committee on the organization of a scout troop. Dr. Suffern reported that Marcus Stewart had consented to organize a new troop if a committee of three men from the church would stand back of the organization as a troop committee. Moved and seconded that the report be accepted. Carried. Moved and seconded that the Session, having approved the organization of a Boy Scout troop, request the Trustees, if agreeable, to designate Friday night as their stated meeting night. Carried." The first Charter was signed on February 15, 1924.
Click on the attachments to see our impressive list of Eagle Scouts (currently 155 in total) and our list of Scoutmasters.
Click on the link of activities (login required) to see highlights of our Outdoor Program